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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Charles, MD

location-map Charles , MD | (301) 679 7309

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Everyone's story is unique. Throughout our lives, we often need support to overcome personal and/or environmental challenges and to address issues that prevents us from feeling fulfilled, being successful and living healthy lives. Using a warm, genuine, and empathic approach, I work with clients to build trusting and collaborative relationships that help them gain a deeper understanding of themselves, experience emotional relief, and feel empowered to make profound change. It is important for you to find a practice where you feel heard, valued and respected. Utilizing a person-centered approach, I aim to provide life changing services to empower my clients to take the necessary steps to become the best version of themselves. Drawing from a range of therapeutic techniques, I assist my clients with identifying patterns, problem solving obstacles, and developing new skills to help cope with life's challenges. By gaining self-awareness, my clients are able to access their resiliency and strengths, learn new skills, and lead a more healthy, balanced life. As your therapist, I vow to be a genuine support during the journey to your best self by cheering for you, teaching you and guiding you every step of the way.